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 La fin du Cancer?

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3 participants

Nombre de messages : 56
Age : 37
Date d'inscription : 05/10/2006

La fin du Cancer? Empty
MessageSujet: La fin du Cancer?   La fin du Cancer? EmptyMer 31 Jan - 20:32

Je sais pas si vous avez entendus ca, mais supposement en alberta, on a guerit le cancer (aupres des rats). Je trouvais ca interessant aussi puisqu'ils parlent de choses que nous avons vus en cours!

L'article est en anglais desolee!

Scientists cure cancer, but no one takes notice


Since the original publication of this article we have been inundated with responses from the public at all walks of life. It is important to note that research is ongoing with DCA, and not everyone is convinced it will turn out to be a miracle drug. There have been many therapies that were promising in vitro and in animal models that did not work for one reason or another in humans. To provide false hope is not our intention. There is a lot of information on DCA available on the web, and this column is but one opinion on the topic. We hope you will do your own research into the situation. So, we have added links to resources at the end of this column.


Scientists may have cured cancer last week.


So, why hven't the media picked up on it?

Here's the deal. Researchers at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada found a cheap and easy to produce drug that kills almost all cancers. The drug is dichloroacetate, and since it is already used to treat metabolic disorders, we know it should be no problem to use it for other purposes.

Doesn't this sound like the kind of news you see on the front page of every paper?

The drug also has no patent, which means it could be produced for bargain basement prices in comparison to what drug companies research and develop.

Scientists tested DCA on human cells cultured outside the body where it killed lung, breast and brain cancer cells, but left healthy cells alone. Rats plump with tumors shrank when they were fed water supplemented with DCA.

Again, this seems like it should be at the top of the nightly news, right?

Cancer cells don't use the little power stations found in most human cells - the mitochondria. Instead, they use glycolysis, which is less effective and more wasteful.

Doctors have long believed the reason for this is because the mitochondria were damaged somehow. But, it turns out the mitochondria were just dormant, and DCA starts them back up again.

The side effect of this is it also reactivates a process called apoptosis. You see, mitochondria contain an all-too-important self-destruct button that can't be pressed in cancer cells. Without it, tumors grow larger as cells refuse to be extinguished. Fully functioning mitochondria, thanks to DCA, can once again die.

With glycolysis turned off, the body produces less lactic acid, so the bad tissue around cancer cells doesn't break down and seed new tumors.

Here's the big catch. Pharmaceutical companies probably won't invest in research into DCA because they won't profit from it. It's easy to make, unpatented and could be added to drinking water. Imagine, Gatorade with cancer control.

So, the groundwork will have to be done at universities and independently funded laboratories. But, how are they supposed to drum up support if the media aren't even talking about it?

All I can do is write this and hope Google News picks it up. In the meantime, tell everyone you know and do your own research.

This is a column of opinion written by Printz Executive Editor David McRaney. Comments can be sent to printz@usm.edu


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Explique les subtilités du cycle de Krebs à Patrick Vinay
Explique les subtilités du cycle de Krebs à Patrick Vinay

Nombre de messages : 281
Age : 37
Localisation : zzzzzzzz
Date d'inscription : 30/09/2006

La fin du Cancer? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La fin du Cancer?   La fin du Cancer? EmptyMer 31 Jan - 22:06

max, tas bien appris de tes cours de lab..tas mis tes references!!
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Nombre de messages : 56
Age : 37
Date d'inscription : 05/10/2006

La fin du Cancer? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La fin du Cancer?   La fin du Cancer? EmptyMer 31 Jan - 22:09

C'est pas des references c'est d'autres articles si jamais vous voulez en savoir plus.
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Explique les subtilités du cycle de Krebs à Patrick Vinay
Explique les subtilités du cycle de Krebs à Patrick Vinay

Nombre de messages : 281
Age : 37
Localisation : zzzzzzzz
Date d'inscription : 30/09/2006

La fin du Cancer? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La fin du Cancer?   La fin du Cancer? EmptyMer 31 Jan - 22:10

ahhhhh crap

my bad
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Julien .G
Tha Big Boss
Tha Big Boss
Julien .G

Nombre de messages : 413
Age : 36
Localisation : Dans un cosmide...tsé la navette spatiale là..
Date d'inscription : 03/10/2006

La fin du Cancer? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La fin du Cancer?   La fin du Cancer? EmptyMer 31 Jan - 22:11

Fuck! C'était mon plan pour devenir riche!

Bon, va falloir que j'trouve autre chose !! study
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